RNA-based medicines for hearing loss. Delivered.
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The WHO predicts hearing loss will impact 1 in 10 people by 2050. Medical devices are the standard of care, but they are ineffective for many people.
Despite a prevalence greater than cancer or diabetes, there are currently no treatments available to treat the underlying cellular dysfunction which is the root cause of hearing loss.
Lipid nanoparticle-based mRNA therapeutics were spectacularly validated as a mass market medicine through the COVID-19 pandemic. We believe the time is now to create the world’s first mass market medicine for hearing loss.
Our lipid nanoparticle based mRNA technology enables us to deliver therapeutic proteins for regeneration and protection of key cells in the cochlea, all at a cost that will make it feasible to create an accessible mass market medicine.

A founding team of world-class scientists, surgeons and entrepreneurs

CEO and co-founder Arpan Desai comes across a news article about the 50th anniversary of the discovery DNA, triggering what will become a life-long passion for learning about genomic medicine. Following a PhD developing nanoparticle delivery systems for RNA, he joins AstraZeneca in Cheshire where he helps to develop some of the first mRNA -based medicines via a collaboration with Moderna.
The Cambridge Effect
Arpan moves to Cambridge where he meets serial entrepreneurs Prashant and Sunil Shah who are building a science park in his village (Hauxton, Cambridge). They see a big opportunity with LNP-mRNA therapeutics and decide, when the time is right, they will form a company together!
mRNA-technology enabled by lipid nanoparticles is the spectacular success story of the COVID-19 pandemic. Arpan is introduced to one of his scientific heroes - Professor Pieter Cullis, the architect of the LNPs used in the COVID vaccine. They work together to set up the UK arm of Pieter’s new company NanoVation Therapeutics with Dame Professor Molly Stevens.
A big idea
Arpan starts discussing mRNA therapeutics with leading ear surgeon-scientist and family friend Matt Smith. They brainstorm with hearing loss pioneers Professor Manohar Bance and Dr Alan Foster and come up with an idea they think will revolutionise the treatment of hearing loss. Sunil helps develop the commercial strategy and invests - CamGene Therapeutics is born!
The time is now! Arpan joins CamGene full time and establishes a lab making LNP-mRNA at Sunil and Prashant’s Science Park in Hauxton, Cambridge. The team is working on building out a full feasibility data package. Watch this space!